Nothing like making the best out of a bad situation, but at least it wasn’t raining. In week 32, I again lurked around Cleveland, Ohio, for the Northeast Ohio APUG meetup (NEOH APUG) hosted by the wonderful John and Dolly Powers. The Sunday found us at the lake shore trying to get shots of these tug boats, the entire fleet of tugs for the Great Lakes Shipyard nearby. The morning rain storm turned into blazing overhead light, less than ideal circumstances to photograph, but rather than risk it raining again later, I looked around for the best spot in the marina I was in to get the shot. I circled a small dirt spit with a playground to get the shot. I like the negative space at the top and bottom of the image; the tugs are nice and centred. Cleveland has plenty of fantastic photographic opportunities if you want to take a chance! Tower City, The Warehouse District, and the Flats are personal favourites.
Modified Anniversary Speed Graphic – Kodak Ektar f:7.7 203mm – Kodak Tri-X Pan (320TXP)
Meter: Pentax Spotmeter V
1/10″ – f/45 – ASA-250
PMK Pyro (1+2+100) 10:30 @ 24C