“Are you going for the game?”
The US Border services agent’s question jostled the brain slightly more awake. The coffee a couple of hours had helped but waking up at 4 am was certainly something I haven’t done in a while. Thankfully that wouldn’t hit me until the way home. I proceeded to explain that I was going to Ann Arbor for a photo walk; at least I didn’t say “What game?” (What shoo?). I then had to explain what a photo walk was.
The day started at the local camera shop, Camera Mall who were wonderful hosts for not only opening early but providing coffee and other breakfast treats for the whole group. Plus they had on hand a pile of film for sale, used equipment and the one thing I forgot, a camera strap. Because I mean I like supporting these local camera shops, especially when they still support the film photography community. After welcomes, introductions, and directions given by the venerable Michael Raso and the hosts of the event the Ann Arbor Area Crappy Camera Club (A3C3) Mark O’Brien and several others who were to lead us in three separate groups around the city. Being a junkie for university architecture I followed Mark’s group with just one camera in tow this time around, the Nikon F2 Photomic and the 50mm lens.
Of course, the highlight of the trip was seeing all my friends from the FPP, Michael, Mat, Leslie, Mark, Joseph, Kevin, JJ, and make a pile of new ones in the process! Because I mean what’s a photo walk without doing some socialising in the process over awesome burgers and excellent craft beer at the Blue Tractor Brewery and BBQ. The whole day ended at the beautiful Argus Museum, a unique photography museum as it’s located in the original Argus Building where the cameras were built! Of course, there were giveaways and plenty of Mr Brown Iced Coffee (which I needed badly to get home that night). But overall a great day, I wish I could have stayed longer and spent a couple of days in the city but alas it was not to be.
If you want to hear more about the meetup, you can listen in on Episode 133 of the Film Photography Podcast or you can check out images from the event by searching Flickr for “FPPAnnArbor2015” or visiting the FPP Page on Facebook!