The 12th of July is the birthday of the Late George Eastman, one of the many who has brought this wonderful medium of photography to the masses. So in the film community, we call it Kodak Day. So this month we discuss all things Kodak! And we also welcome Andrew Hiltz, a resident of Rochester, New York, as a special guest co-host! Kodak World Headquarters in Rochester, New York Intrepid – Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar-S 1:5.6/210 – Kodak TMax 100 @ ASA-32 – Kodak Xtol (1+1) 8:00 @ 20C Cameras Featured on Today’s Show… Kodak Signet 35 – The Signet 35 was the top dog in KodakRead More →

Robert McDouall was born to a merchant father in March of 1774 in the town of Stranraer, Scotland. Educated at the Felsted School both his father and uncle hoped he would follow in the family trade as a merchant, placing young Robert at a business in London. Robert, however, was drawn to the military life much to his father’s dismay and with his reluctant approval purchased a commission as an ensign in the 49th (Hertfordshire) Regiment of Foot only to three days later purchase a lieutenant commission in the 8th (King’s) Regiment of foot in 1797. He served during the 1801 Egyptian Campaign against theRead More →

People have sung about it, there are parks named after it, and the mere mention of the name brings back many memories. But sadly Kodachrome is no longer made, and the K-14 process went the way of the Passenger Pigeon in 2010. And while many cry out to Kodak to bring back Kodachrome the simple fact is that it just isn’t possible anymore (or Green Peace would be protesting in Rochester, NY). But that hasn’t stopped Kelly-Shane Fuller from making a way to bring back colour development to Kodachrome. So John sat down with this mad scientist to hear how he did it. And theRead More →

There is a certain class to folders; they have a sleek look that harkens back to the early days of photography. These cameras offer a slim, compact option to bring medium format when space is at a premium. I would have loved to have brought a folder to Europe in 2015 to have a medium format option. Especially in places like the Waterloo battlefield, Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Bruges, but I could not find the right one. The full name of this camera, the Zeiss Ikon Super-Ikonta C 531/2, would have been the perfect camera with a big 6×9 negative, rangefinder focus, and slim size. ForRead More →

While one of the least known engagements during the War of 1812, the siege of Prarie du Chien, was part of the drama that happened during the entire span of the war and sealed British dominance in the northwest until the signing of the Treaty of Gent that ended the way. The battle was the only one fought on the soil of what would become the state of Wisconsin. Two hundred years ago the small fur trading post of Prarie du Chien was a part of the Illinois Territory. Founded by the French in the late 1600s, turned over to British control following the French-IndianRead More →

Nikon has an uncanny ability to build amazing cameras, not always but sometimes they get one just right, but then it just slides through the cracks. The Nikon F90 (N90 for you American readers) is one such camera, one from a proud line of SLRs that stretch back to the 1960s with the original Nikkormat. While often overlooked against such professional bodies like the Nikon F4 and Nikon F5 which the production of the F90 overlaps. The F90 can be had for a song these days and yet performs well both on its own and when paired with one of those bodies. And while IRead More →