Well, I’ve made it through another year, filled with a lot of technical content in the blog. One goal I have for the new year is to balance the technical content with the historical and general photographic content. So what do I have planned for the new year? Well dear followers and reader, please continue! You will also not a subtle change in some of the blog entries. Now when Classic Camera Revival is mentioned it will be only concerning the Podcast, the Camera and Film Review blogs will no longer include the CCR name, starting with Film Review Blog No. 28 and Camera Review Blog 101. In addition to the changes in Blog Content, there are some changes to the website itself. First off, you’ll note the Print page has been removed, that being said, you can still request prints of my work, details can be found on the About page, I’ve also added new content to the Portfolio page as well.
Classic Camera Revival
You’ve guessed it the podcast will be launching into our fifth season and our first recording session is scheduled for the 30th of this month! Lots of content still to cover and we plan on doing more interview bonus episodes. And might even attempt a video episode for the Hamm camera NuBox 1 once it arrives. Not to mention we have several double episode months with a couple of new styles including deep dives and interviews. Not to mention some collaborations with other podcasts!

Camera Reivews
Alright, so I told myself I’d take a break from reviewing cameras after number 100. But that would be silly as I love shooting and reviewing cameras and there are still so many cameras out there. However, I will be reducing the number of reviews per month to one. Also as you saw in the F6 review the format has changed, after taking some valid concerns over my format, I decided to make a change, and while I’m still working on figuring it all out, things will be in flux as I find the new norm.
Film Reviews
Yes, these will still be happening as well, again reducing the number per month to a pair of reviews per month. Just makes life easier and faster to work through 8 rolls of film (4 per review). And what a selection I have up for 2019 (at least content until October). For 2019 I have a lot of films to review still, Svema Foto, Kentmere, and Ultrafine. Not to mention, a new film from Lomography Berlin 400 and the Grey series of films (Earl and Lady), Silberra Pan 50, 100, and 160. Another new offering from Adox, HR-50, and Ilford SFX 200 one that got missed last year. But I’m not limiting myself to B&W, nope, I have Kodak Ektachrome E100 (the new stuff) as well as Ektar, Portra (160 and 400) and Fuji Velvia 50, 100, and Provia 100 on the horizon as well!

Toronto Film Shooters Meetup
Don’t worry; these events are still going to happen as well. I’ve founded a fantastic group of photographers and even aim to do a joint meetup with our cousin group Kingston Film Shooters in either the Spring or the Summer. If you aren’t a part of the group on Facebook, submit a join request and one of the mods or I will get you into the club. There will be the official four meets next year, plus a special walk for 19+ members but that’s all I’ll say about that. Also, you can check out my own website for a new page that outlines the group and who we are!

Project:1867 – Acts of Confederation
I’ve been working hard on this one through 2017 and 2018. I’ve got most of the photos taken, in fact, I only have two more rolls to shoot. I hope to start posting images starting in February! And unlike my War of 1812 project, I’ll be posting these in roughly chronological order, and I even built enough content to have one a week for a little over a year’s worth of content! It’s been an interesting way of completing it, but I feel I can make a much stronger impact by doing it this way rather than in a disjointed manner as I have in the past.

That about covers it for 2019; there will as always been posts about Toronto Film Shooters Meetup, trips and vacations taken with my family and general talk. I also hope to get a review of the new Kodak Ektachrome now that the initial hype has died down and I’ve gotten my hands on four rolls. So I hope everyone will continue to read, follow, comment, and share. And don’t worry, I still have some more content to share with you all for the remainder of 2018.