Established in 2013 by MainStreetHost and taken on by Alex Luyckx Photography in 2015, #photochat is a community of photography professionals and enthusiasts who congregate to talk shop and discuss anything and everything photography. To participate in our weekly chat (every Thursday at 1:00 pm), search the #photochat hashtag on either Twitter or Counter.Social to see the conversation, or find me at @AlexLuyckxPhoto on Twitter and Counter.Social @AlexLuyckxPhoto for more info. Include the hashtag in your tweets to answer the questions and talk with the other participants. If there’s a topic, you’d like to see covered in #photochat, hop onto Facebook, Twitter, or good oldRead More →

If there is one church that surprised me in this project, it is Palermo United Church, not because it is still active, but of the various churches in this project, this one is the oldest. If you have never heard of or even seen this church, entirely wholly understandable, as it is a bit hidden, set a bit east of the major intersection of Bronte and Dundas. The village known as Palermo was first settled in 1806 a mainly agricultural settlement on Dundas Road. The earliest recorded visits by Methodist saddlebag preachers came in 1808. The settlement soon became a regular stop on the AncasterRead More →

I’m not often excited about a colour film hitting the market. As someone who primarily shoots B&W, another colour stock isn’t much to get excited about. But as a part of the film community, I know that getting your hands on fresh colour film has been difficult for the past several months. So when CineStill dropped the news of a new colour film stock, I was excited for all my fellow photographers who gobble the stuff up. Plus, I always like to expand my horizons regarding photography. And CineStill has done so much good for the community by sourcing and modifying film stocks, releasing easy-to-workRead More →

With apologies to Led Zeppelin, this is not a project about classic rock but rather churches. The Church has been a major part of my life; I grew up at Knox Presbyterian Church, was baptised, attended Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, and was a part of youth groups both at Knox and other churches around my home town of Milton. I was a part of the Presbyterian Young People Society and helped run the group for several years. I met my lovely wife Heather through a Bible Study, we got married at Knox Milton, and I watched my nieces baptise in the same fontRead More →

The return of the 1990s classic trashcam that, despite being what it was, the Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim became a cult classic in the rise of the toy camera movement. And while the original Vivitar run ended, and the Sproketheadz version had some serious troubles, in 2022, a new version came to the market. Produced by Hong Kong firm RETO, the RETO Ultra Wide & Slim rebirthed the classic and is probably one of the closest versions of the original. It’s all plastic, light, and has a particular flare for the strange. But if you missed the boat on the original, this camera mightRead More →