May is always a fun month, besides being my birthday month, the weather is starting to get a lot better and I’m able to get out more. And this month presented a bunch of excellent pieces that crossed my desk including a whole pile of entries on the same topic that had a moment at the start of the month.
Dead Hands Cameras
This isn’t just one entry, this is a bunch of entries. At the beginning of the month, I joined a group of my fellow bloggers in writing about the five cameras that you would need to pry from our cold dead hands. And it seemed to have caught on across other bloggers and social media feeds with a tonne of people sharing their five cameras. The best is seeing all of the different cameras that people feel connected to and the different styles in how they wrote about them. You can check out the full list below.
Down the Road – Dead Hands Cameras: The five cameras you’ll have to pry out of my cold, dead hands
Camera Go Camera: Dead Hands Cameras: My Top Five Cameras I Won’t Part With
Photo Thinking: Dead Hand Camera List
Aperture Preview: Dead Hands Cameras: Five Cameras I will never Part With!
Kosmo Foto: Five Cameras I’ll Never Part With
Mike Eckman: Five Cameras I’ll take with me to my Grave
Canny Cameras: Dead Hand Cameras: 5 cameras you’d need to pry out of my cold dead hands
Dave’s Place: Dead Hands
My Journey Into Photography: Dead Hands Cameras – 5 Cameras you will have to pry from my cold, dead, hands
Utah Film Photography – Dead Hands Cameras
Johnny Martyr – Johnny Martyr’s Five Favorite Cameras
Flaneur On The Street – 5 Dead Hands Cameras

Down The Road – Nikon Df Review
When I was looking to go back to the Nikon digital SLR system a few years ago I’ll admit the Nikon Df was on the short list of cameras. The main reason is the retro look and feel with plenty of the typical controls returning as physical dials and knobs with singular operations. It was the lack of video functions that turned me away from the Df and after reading this review from Jim, I’m glad I did because I think I would have been more frustrated with teh camera’s operations than enjoying the photo taking proccess. Read the entire review over on:

Daniel Novak Photo – WWPD 2024
The last Sunday of April is always Worldwide Pinhole Day, a celebration of all things pinhole. I managed to get out this year with my D750 and a pinhole adapter and got some wonderful images. I always admire the work people get on film. So my good friend Daniel had a railway themed day out this year with a 3D Printed pinhole camera, you can check out more over at:!
Kosmo Foto – Foma Bohemia releases Ortho 400 35mm film
Last year Foma released a brand new film, an Orthochromatic 400-Speed film in 120. And while I do have that film up for a review this year, Kosmo Foto dropped the news that they’re releasing the film in 35mm format. While it seems a little fast for an orthochromatic film, I’m looking forward to seeing what the film can do later this year. You can read more about the latest release over on

Photo Thinking – Mamiya M – Just M
Mamiya always marched to the beat of their own drum, so when everyone marked their lens barrels in red or in gold, Mamiya went with blue. And the Mamiya M is a brilliant point-and-shoot fixed focal length camera from the 1980s and the images have everything you love about M-S optics. Read More On!

X35 Project – Manifesto
There has been a lot of news surrounding new 35mm cameras hitting the market. There’s the Film Never Dies, Ricoh/Pentax, Lomography, RETO, and many others. But here, long time camera repair person Oleg Khaliavin lays out his manifesto for what a new 35mm camera would look like, read on over at!

Yvonne Hanson – Making Cursed Images | Can you Develop Film In Blood?
I like working with weird and strange developers, but this experiment takes it to the next level. But Yvonne along with two other amazing photographers in British Columbia decided to try to develop film in some strange chemistry and Yvonne always one for experimentation in photography decided to develop black & white film in blood, yes actual blood.
Aly’s Vintage Camera Alley – Exploring my New Zine: Riding in Cars with Film 2020-2023
If you remember a couple of months ago I shared that my good friend Aly launched her latest ‘zine, Riding in Cars with Film 2020-2023, and while she wanted to have this video out as part of the launch of that ‘Zine. But she also was a little scared of a negative response. So in this video she digs into her photos that she has taken from the passenger seat of the car going to and from medical appointments. While I’m terrible of explaining why I take the photos I do, but Aly does a great job at talking about her process.