Classic Camera Revival – Episode 178 | Ilford Rhapsody


We see a little silhouetto of a roll film, and for this episode, we’re a little high, a little low because Ilford matters! Yes, this episode is a rhapsody of Ilford films, and we’re going from Pan F+ to Delta 3200 and everything in between to discuss what we love about Ilford films, how we use them, development, and shooting them! But why are we focusing on Ilford? Well, that’s simple! Ilford has made a constant effort to support the photography community in being able to produce film at scale for the modern market and is often less likely to increase costs. They have options that cover everyone’s preferences and needs with a wide range of film speeds and styles and even two amazing budget films that punch well above their weight.

Looking for a good spot to get your gear and material fix check out Burlington Camera (Burlington, ON), Downtown Camera (Toronto, ON), Film Plus (Toronto, ON), Belle Arte Camera (Hamilton, ON), Pond’s FotoSource (Guleph, ON), Foto Art Camera (Owen Sound, ON). In Quebec, Photo Service (Montreal, QC) and Studio Argentique (Montreal, QC), Out West there’s Kerrisdale Cameras (BC), The Camera Store (Calgary, AB) and Beau Photo Supply (Vancouver, BC). Additionally you can order online at Argentix (Quebec), (Ontario), the Film Photography Project or Freestyle Photographic. Looking for development options, check out these labs that have our support, Boréalis Photo Lab, Old School Photo Lab, The Darkroom, and Film Rescue International.

Also you can connect with us through email: classiccamerarevivial[at]gmail[dot]com or by Facebook, we’re at Classic Camera Revival, Twitter @ccamerarevival, and Instagram (@classiccamerarevival)!

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  1. Lovely episode, thanks a lot! 👍🏻 But I guess you forgot the XP2. I know its a C-41 process film, but it belongs in the Ilford B/W lineup. Keep up the good work! Greetings from Oslo, Norway

    1. Author

      Thanks! And yes we totally forgot XP2 it will be included in our last episode of the season, Leftovers? Again?

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