Abstraction | Canada Day

Sometimes you just need to get out and shoot with no real plans. On Canada Day, we wanted to head out somewhere and get some fresh air before everywhere got busy with the Canada Day celebrations. Where didn’t matter as long as we could get some fresh air and enjoy some sunshine. We settled on Burlington’s downtown. I took along my Elan 7 with the 50mm lens and a roll of Fomapan 200 loaded. I didn’t have any real plans or subject matters for what I was going to photograph with the roll I only wanted to try something different and look for patterns or things that interested me. In fact, on the whole roll I only shot one ‘big picture’ image. I also worked with portrait orientation more than I usually do with my photography. And like this post, it was only for the fun of it and to see if I could do a bit more abstraction in my work, no game plan.

Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C
Abstract On Canada Day
Canon EOS Elan 7 – Canon Lens EF 50mm 1:1.8 – Fomapan 200 @ ASA-200 – LegacyPro Mic-X (1+1) 8:30 @ 20C

I’m rather pleased the results I got, they’re not my usual fare, but sometimes it’s good to branch out. The one thing I did enjoy is how well Fomapan 200 handled the 1+1 dilution of Mic-X, I prefer it over the stock dilution as it gives bit more punch to the images. That’s it, that’s all nothing thoughtful or fancy about this post, just a little bit of fun with a camera for the sake of having fun with a camera.

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