If you’ve been around the photography community long enough certain names pop up again and again. Among them is Bill Manning, photographer, podcaster, and a great dude who is joining Alex and Bill today in the hot seat. We’ve been wanting to have Bill on the show since last December when Bill and Alex joining the end of year roundtable over on the Studio C-41 Video Podcast. The trio sit down to discuss photography, travel, podcasting, constant learning, and much more! You can find Bill Manning & Studio C-41 at the following links. Instagram (Bill Manning): instagram.com/billmanningphoto Instagram (Studio C-41): instagram.com/studio.c41 Website (Bill Manning): billmanningphotography.comRead More →

Hamilton is an interesting city; it’s seen a lot over the course of its history, which is echoed in many buildings. The downtown core is the focus of this week, which I have spent many years wandering around and watching the ever-shifting changes from the piles of abandoned buildings to many disappearing or being reborn. While I don’t visit the downtown as much anymore with my exploring days shifting to more legal means and the number of abandoned buildings in the downtown becoming slimmer, it certainly was an eye-opening experience going back. The earliest humans to settle in this region were the Chonnonton or AttiwandaronkRead More →

The year was 2012; I had been shooting film in a far more serious way for three years at that point. I learned of a speciality film store called Freestyle Photographic from an episode of the Film Photography Project. They had all sorts of weird films from Europe that I had never heard of nor seen at my local camera store (which at that time was either Henry’s or Burlington Camera). With companies like Efke and Adox, strange, exotic for my North American sensibilities. I purchased a pile of Efke and Adox CHS Art films, both in 35mm and 120, 50 and 100-speed offerings. WhileRead More →

Chase Jarvis is famous for saying that the best camera is the one you have with you. It’s like the saying any tool can be the right tool. While you can use a hammer to pound in a screw or use a screwdriver to hammer in the nail, it won’t deliver the best results. While we can’t always carry around the best camera for every situation, but what about a camera that will take pictures when it’s the only thing you have with you? Thankfully these days, everyone has a camera in their pocket, your smartphone. These modern smartphones have pretty powerful cameras, often augmentedRead More →

Well, we made it to the halfway point! And I finally made it out to Elora, Ontario. A location I’ve wanted to include in the project since the first couple of months of 2021. But things kept getting in the way and it had to be pushed back. But I wasn’t going to let it happen again and while my client shoot had to be pushed back, I still wanted to make sure to include the historic village anyways! Of course, the day I went the weather was not exactly ideal, but I’ve never let a bit of rain or overcast skies stop me andRead More →

I remember it clearly, having walked into Henry’s store to get film for an upcoming PYPS weekend, Winter Weekend 2006 in Oshawa, Ontario. I don’t remember exactly why I pulled the roll of Sensia 400 off the rack; my jam in those days was colour negative films. But that was also the weekend that I had a digital camera for the first time, so maybe I started to branch out in my shooting. Sensia was the right speed I usually shot (400), and the name was close to Superia (at a glance), and my journey into slide film had begun. Eventually, I branched out andRead More →

You’re probably wondering why I’m reviewing a Nikkormat EL when I’ve reviewed a Nikon FE. The reason is simple; the Nikkormat EL is the FE’s foundation, the original Nikon electronic semi-automatic camera. This means that to understand where the FE comes from, I needed to try out an EL. That was my first mistake; the second mistake was shooting a second roll through the Nikkormat EL. I don’t think this mistake is a bad thing. The camera worked perfectly in both rolls; the mistake was that now I want a Nikkormat EL. It’s an easy-to-use camera, especially if you’ve used an FE or FE2, andRead More →

I’m surprised I’ve made it this far into the year without having a no theme week! Twenty-Five weeks, not bad. But the best part is that this is a no theme week not because I needed a break or something bad happened but rather one that I decided upon to help out the Embrace the Grain Podcast and their community engagement project for their Facebook group for Film of the Month. And June’s film of the month is Fomapan 100, so it saddled up nicely with the ongoing weekly project. And sure I could have used some medium format rolls I had kicking around butRead More →

There are a couple of highly specialised and mysterious developers out there, both made by the same company. While most people are drawn towards Diafine (which I plan on reviewing next year), Acufine is the cousin of that magic bullet developer. Like Diafine, Acufine’s chemistry is a trade secret; even the datasheets are redacted in that sense. But Acufine is a rare bird; it has the capability to increase the speed of most film stocks. But without all the drawbacks of push processing, increased grain, over the top contrast. While I have worked with Acufine before the stuff was way out of date, and IRead More →

Today Bill, James, and Alex sit down with Gary Clennan from Alberta. Gary is a long time photographer, a good dude who also is a self-taught camera technician under the name LensMedic YYC. Gary has worked on a few of our cameras and provides a valuable service to Canada as the number of techs who are willing to work with film cameras is fluctuating. Gary talks about gear, repair, teaching, training, travel, and beer! You can find Gary on Social Media… Instagram: instagram.com/calgary_street Instagram: instagram.com/lensmedicyyc Want a subscription to SilverGrain Classics and are a fan of Classic Camera Revival? Visit their shop online and buyRead More →