When it comes to 50mm lenses I’m a sucker for a fast fifty, and while I initially got the 50/1.8 (don’t worry, I will get that lens on the review table but not until next year). I couldn’t turn down the excellent price tag on the chrome nosed 50/1.4 when I was at Burlington Camera one day. While in some circles the early version (which I’m reviewing today) gets a bit of a bad rap due to the coating on the lens. But honestly, the coating just looks cool when hit with light and viewed at the right angle. Most will go for the newerRead More →

Alexandria is a local film photographer who is a long time friend of the Toronto Film Shooters community and is a brilliant photographer. After getting her first camera in 2016 Alexandria was sucked into a wonderful artistic vortex. But not for the end results, but the manual process and delayed gratification. She was first drawn in because of her grandfather’s camera which was still owned by her father. It also helped that she grew up around film photography because her father even had a darkroom in the house. Film photography is the perfect medium for Alexandria to embrace as a recovering perfectionist. And has developedRead More →

After several weeks of bouncing between two different locations, a little change in scenery is always welcome. Burlington offered something both familiar and different from bouncing between Milton and Oakville with a stay-at-home order forced a reduction in mobility. This week took place during the second virtual Toronto Film Shooters Meetup event, and having shot last month’s event in Milton, I needed someplace else. My original plan was to go to Acton, but having skipped Burlington back in Week 7, I decided to use Burlington instead. The secondary reason is a supply run to Burlington Camera. Also, with moving into the third month, I’m switchingRead More →

When it comes to films that are not designed for normal pictorial use, I’m not one to shy away from them. That being especially after I went through three of the FilmWashi offerings, one of them being an Optical Audio Recording film. Even before I had loaded up Washi S into a camera, I had been approached by the Film Photography Project to beta test a new film they had acquired and were planned to release after collecting some developing times for the film. The name was FPP Super Sonic, and like Washi S, is an optical audio recording film. The idea of recording audioRead More →

If there’s one thing that is a plus to having virtual meetups is that you can have them more often! After the success of last month’s meetup, we scheduled the next event last week Saturday. With restrictions lifting a bit in my area and having the need to visit Burlington Camera, I headed out early armed with a couple of cameras and film to take on downtown Burlington. My original plan had been to head out early, make it into the downtown for 8 am, which gave me a couple of hours to shoot and then head over to Burlington Camera for a resupply. Sadly,Read More →

This week we’re going a bit cliche when it comes to images. And actually, this week is partly inspired by my good friend James Lee. While I didn’t get to all the places I wanted this week because of a few days worth of snow blocking off driveways, I decided to head into a pair of local cemeteries. And the snow was deep. In some cases, especially on my first stop (Bronte Pioneer), I ended up in knee-deep snow. I know the cliche of photographing cemeteries in black & white. But hey, when it comes to a weekly project, you’re going to hit a lotRead More →

I never heard of the Duex before as I scrolled past the cameras being offered up for free on the Toronto Film Shooters Facebook Group, and this camera certainly caught my eye. One of the first things to catch me attention is the design of the camera, it screams art deco and saw the production during the height of the style’s popularity. The camera itself is asking to be used amongst the amazing architecture of The Loop in Chicago, Illinois or Manhatten in New York City. But since we’re in the time of plague still, it’ll have to be more local. The Duex is oneRead More →

In today’s episode, Chrissie, Bill, and John are joined by fellow podcaster and film photography enthusiast, Brandy who is one part of the on a break podcast Film Photo Geeks. And is an amazing photographer in her own right. Brandy got her start on the Film Photo Geeks as their house guest that never left and ended up being a guest host when the other host, Alex, could not sit in the chair. And even after Alex ended up getting a teaching job that interfered with recording and Brandy just stayed on with Laura. Brandy got her start in photography when her father purchased anRead More →

Winter has finally come in force to Southern Ontario. And the original plan had been to shoot this week’s roll in Burlington, Ontario. But after fighting our way down to Burlington to pick up Valentine’s Day doughnuts from Sunshine Doughnuts. We got the doughnuts but ended up turning around and headed home right afterwards. And here we are, so instead of Burlington, we’re back in Milton, but in the new part of town, mostly in the Clarke Neighborhood, which a farm recently occupied. I’m not going to go into great detail on the history of Milton, as I already expanded on that in my originalRead More →

While these days the old standbys are still excellent choices to develop your film and offer up a great deal of variety there’s something to be said about having a universal one-size-fits-all developer. I first discovered this last year with Adox FX-39 II. But I quickly fell a rabbit hole of similar developers. And I’m not talking about Diafine, but rather Rollei Supergrain. Supergrain is an updated version of Amaloco AM 74. Supergrain offers up a series of dilutions and times that will develop most films at the same associated times. Perfect if you’re shooting a whole bunch of different films but have limited timeRead More →