The term Burlington Heights is a misnomer, as the Heights are technically located in Hamilton. But during the Anglo-American War of 1812, Burlington Heights became home to an often forgotten fort. Burlington Heights started life as a simple farm owned by Richard Besley. When the Americans invaded and captured the Niagara Region in May 1813 and forced the full retreat of the British Army of the Center, they would establish an armed camp at Burlington Heights, today located at the border of Hamilton, Ontario and Burlington, Ontario. It would start as a simple structure with field fortifications to provide a rallying point for the BritishRead More →

Hidden behind a hospital and a massive shopping mall, a tiny road dies at a park. You can still see the old light standards continuing down. I had some time to kill on a Saturday afternoon, so I decided to stop and check it out; having a camera with me, I naturally brought it along for the hike. Down at the base of the road, I was drawn out onto one of the side trails that ran along a river bank; following it around, I noticed something in the distance; it looked like a bridge, but not a bridge one would expect; it looked likeRead More →