Alexandria is a local film photographer who is a long time friend of the Toronto Film Shooters community and is a brilliant photographer. After getting her first camera in 2016 Alexandria was sucked into a wonderful artistic vortex. But not for the end results, but the manual process and delayed gratification. She was first drawn in because of her grandfather’s camera which was still owned by her father. It also helped that she grew up around film photography because her father even had a darkroom in the house. Film photography is the perfect medium for Alexandria to embrace as a recovering perfectionist. And has developedRead More →

In today’s episode, Chrissie, Bill, and John are joined by fellow podcaster and film photography enthusiast, Brandy who is one part of the on a break podcast Film Photo Geeks. And is an amazing photographer in her own right. Brandy got her start on the Film Photo Geeks as their house guest that never left and ended up being a guest host when the other host, Alex, could not sit in the chair. And even after Alex ended up getting a teaching job that interfered with recording and Brandy just stayed on with Laura. Brandy got her start in photography when her father purchased anRead More →

We’re back with another long episode! This time around we have Matt from Reveni Labs to talk about his new Kickstarter campaign and the Reveni Labs Spot Meter, followed by prolific photographer Anil Mistry who brings along a large pile of cameras that are among his favourites and talking about his new book based around his photos of Brighton, England. It’s worth the episode length! First up we have an interview with Matt from Reveni Labs about his new Spot meter, which launched on Kickstarter back on Monday. The device, designed to be a small, affordable spot meter to help get these awesome devices intoRead More →

If you’re a member of several Facebook groups connected to the film photography community such as the Toronto Film Shooters, Negative Positives, and Large Format Photography Podcast than you will have seen today’s guest’s excellent work. Jamie Marcellus is a recent addition to the film photography community but has jumped in with both feet shooting 35mm initially but is now getting into experimental large-format work with inexpensive film, direct positive paper and even dry plate. Alex and John sit down with Jamie to discuss his love of photography and his inspiration and what he’s up to next. If you aren’t already following along in hisRead More →

We are kicking off our seventh season with an amazing photographer, Danielle who is on a mission to let the world know that there are some amazing women photographers out there that shoot film and is working towards building a collective of these photographers through the feature Women with Film Wednesday and The Film Sorority who sits down (remotely) with Bill and Chrissie! Danielle is a passionate film photographer from Wisconsin, USA who started her journey with a thrift store find of a Canon AE-1 and quickly grew her collection to a total of forty cameras today. If you’re part of the film photography communityRead More →

Let’s face it, 2020 wasn’t the best year and while we would have loved to have gathered with all our listeners in the GTHA region for our five year anniversary that just couldn’t happen because we’re still in the time of plague. And while we never got into the studio as much as we wanted, we figured in the final episode of our season we should safely gather with three meters between each other to bring you the season finale. And like the holiday season that is upon us, there are lots of leftovers and our team has been busy through this past year andRead More →

If you’re a member of any film camera group on Facebook, you’ll know our guest for today’s show. The man who has a thousand camera and is rumoured to smash them all after writing a review. His reviews are the stuff of legend, today Bill and Alex sit down with the one, the only, Mr Mike Eckman! Mike Eckman, if you’re looking for a history or a review of some sort of obscure camera then there’s a good chance you have stumbled across his site. That is certainly true for both Bill and especially Alex in their own research for reviews and feeding their personalRead More →

Matt’s back! Yes, local camera builder, inventor and overall mad scientist, Matt Bechberger joins John and James to discuss his process on building home brew cameras and what bits and pieces that make the best parts from broken and non-functioning cameras that help in his methods and spare parts bin. Check out Matt’s amazing light meter at and on instagram as @revenilabs. If you are interested in home brew cameras, Matt suggests checking out theHomemade Camera Podcast at Here are some images both of Matt’s homebrew creations and some images he made using them. Want a subscription to SilverGrain Classics and are aRead More →

Comrades! It’s the return of the Communist Camera Revival and we have a bit of different episode today, Alex sits down with three fellow photographers to talk about all aspects of Photographic industry that grew in the USSR and the Soviet Bloc from the 1920s to the final collapse in 1991. And more importantly what you can still get and find today from Cameras to Film. And the surprising fact that there is a lot of stuff out there that is still new in box and is not as bad as a lot of people think. Don’t believe the propaganda folks, the revolution will beRead More →

While often seen as boring, generic, and nothing special, Mamiya cameras are a favourite among the entire CCR crew, especially their medium format offerings. Alex, James, John, and Bill are joined by a pair of amazing photographers and YouTubers Aly and Jess to discuss their favourite Mamiya cameras! Mamiya Universal Probably one of the strangest system cameras to come out of Mamiya, the Universal is the last of their Press line and the most customizable. You can shoot 120/220 roll film from 6×6 to 6×9, 2×3 sheet film, and Polaroid Type-100 (the Universal also was produced as the Polaroid 600 and 600SE). Sadly the cameraRead More →