Suppose you’ve been living under a rock. In that case, the name Lina Bessonova may not be familiar to you, but if you’re active on social media and deep in the online film photography community, then the name Lina Bessonova! And today, she sits down with the team at CCR to discuss anything from her favourite camera (the Yashica-D) to her inspirations, favourite film stocks, artistic vision, subjects, and darkroom printing. You should check out her social media presence! Instagram: YouTube: Want a subscription to SilverGrain Classics and are a fan of Classic Camera Revival? Visit their shop online and buy a magazineRead More →

In this episode, we’re talking all things medium format while poking a little fun at the widespread misinterpretation of 120 film as “120mm film.” We’re tackling everything from cameras to negative sizes and even lenses aimed at the popular format that has been around for over 100 years now and isn’t going away anytime soon. Especially with Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format and CineStill trying to bring back 220 film! In full disclosure, 120mm film did exist, but it’s more closely tied to a large format as 120mm is 12cm which is about 4.5 inches. Surprisingly some films have the 120mm measurement; there areRead More →

You have to remember, when it comes to the standard 35mm film almost everyone shoots or has shot once in their life didn’t start its life as a stock for still photography. It was originally designed for motion picture production by splitting 70mm film in half. While there has been a divergence between still image film and motion picture film, shooting cine film in still cameras has become a popular option for photographers. So in today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about the films that we at CCR love to shoot from the normal to the weird. FilmFerrania P30 Born out of a classicRead More →

Let’s face facts, when it comes to film photography it isn’t exactly the best for the environment, between water use, packaging, and of course the chemistry there are some serious environmental impacts to consider. But what if there were some things we could do to help reduce our impact on the environment. Well today we have Darren, a blogger who writes for who has been working hard to investigate and put into place some helpful means to reduce our environmental impacts. Here are some tips that were brought up during the show! Bulk Roll Your Film – Not only do you reduce packaging youRead More →

Join the crew from Classic Camera Revival as we sit down to a round table episode to discuss anything and everything. We welcome Bill from Studio C-41, Gabe and Jeff from I Dream of Cameras and Andre from Negative Positives for this episode. Buckle up for an alcohol-fuelled marathon episode! We at Classic Camera Revival are horrified about the ongoing illegal and brutal invasion of Ukraine by forces directed and ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Know that we at CCR stand with the brave defenders of Ukraine, those fleeing the conflict and those in Russia who are being arrested, suppressed from speaking out againstRead More →

When it comes to photography, despite all the leaps and bounds forward, it has taken since the first image was recorded on a medium using exposure to light. Both the original and second methods are still being practised today in the 21st Century. And like those of the past, the means and procedures are based from magician to apprentice. And I use the term magician purposefully because if you’ve ever had the pleasure of watching a wet plate photographer in action, it is that, magic. We have two such photographers in today’s episode, and both are returning guests to the podcast. First is Shane Balkowitsch,Read More →

Everyone has to start somewhere and while we do a lot of assumptions that our regular listeners have been in the game for a while, we’ve realised that there are probably folks out there who are just getting started. So on today’s episode, the team sits down and discusses everything from starter cameras, good film stocks, excellent things to learn and ways to start home processing for those who are dipping their toes into photography and film for the first time! Starter Cameras We all need to start somewhere, but these days there are so many film cameras which ones are best for the beginner.Read More →

The year, 1995, the shriek and howl of the dial-up modem sound through the library at Sam Sherratt Middle School in Milton, Ontario. For good or ill the Internet was here to stay. So with all the negativity that has been tossed around of late about the Internet and film photography the gang is here to talk about all the amazing things the Digital Age has to offer film photographers. From Scanning to Web 2.0, Internet Communities and Various Sharing platforms! Despite everything digital has done a lot of keep film photography alive and kicking well into the 21st Century and beyond. Want a subscriptionRead More →

Let’s face it, the idea of rebranding items, especially in photography, is nothing new. Kodak, Fuji, and Agfa have sold their films to resellers, even putting them in custom cartridges and boxes. Even some camera manufacturers build more cameras for other companies and sell under those names than under their name. And today, the trend continues, with Agfa still making films but as a contract manufacturer with names like Rollei under Maco Direct selling their product, or Fomapan producing films stocks for Kosmo Foto, New Classics, and Lomography. Plus, ORWO provides the sweet motion picture film for Lomography and our friends at Cinestill and theirRead More →

The winter is a good time to kick back and enjoy a good movie or TV show, so for our season 8 premiere, the gang is going to talk about our favourite shows that have some feature of photography or a photographer. As a group, our tastes are rather varied and encompasses both fiction, non-fiction and even a bit of anime thrown in. Blow Up First spotted on a local PBS channel Blow Up directed by Michelangelo Antonioni caught Bill’s eye not just for the photography but also the mystery thriller aspect of the film. From the wrong side of the tracks to the highRead More →