In our first episode, we discussed those cameras that can take any work we throw their way, and so to close off this season; we’re bringing that topic back! What makes things interesting is that some of our choices have changed, and some familiar cameras are still on the table but in different people’s hands! And there are no surprises in this list; we have cameras like Hasselblads, Mamiya, Olympus, Nikon, Canon, and Minolta are all in our choices. And when it comes to workhorses, these are cameras that will work in any condition and deliver solid image quality. You also need a camera thatRead More →

When it comes to Film Photography, most of the technology behind the medium has not changed that much since its inception. But some things are still struggling and need to rest in peace, or often in pieces. The gang sits around and hashes out formats and technologies that need to be put to bed, with items like Selenium Meters, 126 formats, APS, among the things. And they also talk about new advances in film photography and technology behind them like ReveniLabs Meters. Recycling old cameras and lenses from systems that aren’t too popular to formulate new cameras again. ReveniLabs and, more specifically, the Press Pan,Read More →

When it comes to camera gear there are some that have the feels, and there are others that don’t have the feels. So in this episode, the gang discusses the cameras that have amazing ergonomics that are a joy to use, others that we tolerate because the image quality is amazing! What cameras are on the table today, some are pretty obvious including the Nikon F4, Hasselblad V System, Olympus OM-2 and the Mamiya m645. And it cannot be an episode about ergonomics without including an Exakta. Want a subscription to SilverGrain Classics and are a fan of Classic Camera Revival? Visit their shop onlineRead More →

While we love shooting and talking about our own cameras, what happens when you’re thrown for a loop you can get some interesting results! So with the gang all back together in person, we decided to take this favourite format and take on another mystery camera challenge! This time around we have John, Jess, Bill, and Alex all trading cameras around the table. John takes over Alex’s favourite, the Minolta Maxxum 9. Jess getting to work with a beautiful Nikon FM from John. Alex lugging around a beast, the Nikkormat FTn from Bill. And it wouldn’t be an MCC without Bill ending up with aRead More →

A solo show as Alex sits down to discuss downsizing a camera collection. Tips on how to choose what to keep and what to sell or give away and the all-important techniques to avoid the dreaded separation anxiety. Want a subscription to SilverGrain Classics and are a fan of Classic Camera Revival? Visit their shop online and buy a magazine or a subscription? Looking for a good spot to get your gear and material fix check out Burlington Camera (Burlington, ON), Downtown Camera (Toronto, ON), Film Plus (Toronto, ON), Belle Arte Camera (Hamilton, ON), Pond’s FotoSource (Guleph, ON), Foto Art Camera (Owen Sound, ON). InRead More →

Join Alex and Bill as they sit Jess Hobbs in the hot seat. While Jess has been a regular guest host on many shows in the past, it’s time to get to know her better! The trio sits down to talk photography, travel, BBQ Chicken, life in the Eastern Townships, and so much more! We are also pleased to welcome Jess aboard as part of the hosting team for 2022, as Alex will be taking a short break for part of next year. You can find Jess’ work on… Instagram: YouTube: Want a subscription to SilverGrain Classics and are a fan of ClassicRead More →

It’s been a long hot summer, and Alex sits down for a rare CCR Solo show to talk about his experiences with Adox. If you haven’t heard of Adox, then prepare to have your introduction made to the oldest name in film photography chemistry and supplies! While the original 1860s Adox is long gone their name and experience live on with the modern form of the company started by Fotoimpex as a way to preserve not only the intellectual properties of Adox but also Agfa! You can order Adox products and other film photography projects through Fotoimpex. Also, make sure to follow them on FacebookRead More →

We’re back on the interview circuit as Bill and Alex sit down with John Roberts a photographic retail expert at Kerrisdale Cameras on the unceded territories of the Kwikwetlem & Coast Salish nations in Coquitlam, British Columbia. John, Bill & Alex discuss the retail aspects of photography, the amazing company that is Kerrisdale Cameras and how it kept Henry’s out of British Columbia. Along with SLRs versus Rangefinders, seeking inspiration, capturing family moments, family, and lenses with character. You can find John on the following Social Media Platforms. Instagram – Flickr – Twitter – YouTube – Want a subscription to SilverGrainRead More →

Representation Matters, so on today’s show Chris is taking the lead and bringing around the table today are six amazing photographers whom we at CCR love to see their work and are always happy to interact share and celebrate their work. But what draws all these photographers together, well they’re all women and they have an amazing talent that certainly needs to be celebrated, shared, and their voices…heard. Over the course of the episode, our hosts mentioned a bunch of amazing photographers that you totally should follow. Here’s the list and links! Jess (FBVisualss) – CoThePhotographer – Roxanna (Roxannlog) – Chingonas ConRead More →

In this episode, the gang sits down to discuss the art of Bulk Loading 35mm film. From the equipment to the techniques and the pros and cons, James, Bill, and John all share their own experiences and knowledge on the subject while Alex who has tried and disliked the process sits down and learns where he went wrong and the causes of his own frustrations. Types of Bulk Loaders To bulk load film, you need bulk loaders if you want to make your job an easy one, all three loaders can be found easily online, or at your local camera store’s darkroom section. Lloyds IfRead More →