One of the great things about photography as a hobby is that you can take whatever level you want and be happy where your photography is, even if it is just snapping away with your phone. But you may eventually want to take your craft up to that next level, and while new gear can certainly help make that next step, photography is one of those things that you don’t always need that next best thing. All cameras are the same idea, a dark box that allows you to capture images, freeze time, if you will, onto some form of medium. Getting a film cameraRead More →

One more shot, one more shot! While today such a call is commonplace in the day where the number of images you can get is dependent on how fast your camera’s shutter works and how large and fast the memory card that you have in your camera is, but back in the early 20th Century, asking for one more shot could mean sacrificing one in the future. But many iconic images and photographers worked with large format cameras and the idea of a Press Camera pre-dates the camera I’m reviewing today by nearly three decades. While the Crown Graphic is not as well known asRead More →

Sadly, my usual trip over the August Long Weekend to Cleveland this year did not happen because the gentleman running the event has felt a bit discouraged over the lack of interest in it. (I really should make a point to go out and shoot the area this fall). So instead, I headed down to a different area of Ohio, Hocking Hills State Park. I had been seeing a tonne of really great photographs from the park from a good friend and fantastic photographer Mat Marrash of late so I decided to take him up on the offer to show me around the park andRead More →