From 1645 to 1885, the red coat of the British Army was both feared and respected, this army of as General Sir Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, put it, the scum of the Earth, drilled and disciplined into one of the most effective fighting forces the world had seen, and helped Britain build an empire that spanned the globe. Week 25 is for my friend Col. Anne whom I met through Tumblr, and our mutual interest in Military history. Specifically the late 18th to early 19th century. The gentleman portrayed here is dressed in the 8th (King’s) Regiment of Foot uniform as they would’veRead More →

When I was booking my hotel for the last leg of my seven-day adventure through the southern United States, I intended on getting a hotel in Morristown, WV; for some reason, ended up showing my hotels in Chambersburg, PA, I thought the two towns were closer together. Well, they weren’t. But it turned out that Chambersburg is relatively close to Gettysburg. Yes, that Gettysburg, the site of a vicious battle during the American Civil War in 1863. So I decided that I would visit it. I had never been before, so I asked my friend Ryan, who had participated in the 150th-anniversary reenactment ofRead More →

Man, the trouble is We don’t know who we are instead One of my favourite bands is Jars of Clay, on their fifth studio album; my favourite album cover is “Who We are Instead.” The cover features the band in front of these old silos; I was drawn to this as a fan of abandoned buildings. When a fellow band fan noticed on Facebook that I was passing through Nashville, TN, this past week, and my original planned photo for week 16 was stopped by a paranoid sheriff, she pointed me at the actual silos. Sadly, I realised that the image on the cover isRead More →

I figured because it was TLR Tuesday I’d share some photos I took last year in the abandoned Rochester Subway. The subway has always fascinated me since I first visited it back in 2007. But on this particular trip I was armed with my trusty Rolleiflex and a roll of Kodak Panatomic-X. The main draw for the subway is the viaduct over the Erie Canal. This area is covered with some of the best graffiti art I have come across in my explorations. And it’s not just the usual garbage, this work is just that, works of art! It’s also the area with the bestRead More →

Still in Rochester for Week 13 and continuing with the Kodak Love! Again we have the guest camera from Andrew featured here in Week 13! The George Eastman House is now a museum dedicated to preserving the art of photography. Not only can you see the images but also the iconic cameras that created them. The famous photo of US Marine raising the Stars and Strips on Iwo Jima shows the original print at the GEH, and the Speed Graphic used to create the image. You can also tour the home of the man who brought Photography to the people. Sadly I arrived too lateRead More →

You’re probably thinking, what do I mean by Visual Whiplash? It was mentioned in a comment left on one of my recent photos posted to my photostream, where right next to each other is a 4×5 image that’s sharp, crisp, and clear…and then a pinhole photo that’s rather soft. Visual Whiplash. I was at first a bit disappointed at these, I mean they’re not what I’m used to getting out of my trusty Pentax 645, they look like something a bit out of a toy camera. But oddly enough they’ve started to grow on me. So what got me into Pinhole photography after avoiding itRead More →

Giving Kodak a little love for week 12. Yes, despite what you have (or haven’t heard) Kodak is alive and kicking and still producing film (marketing it under the Kodak Alaris name). So when I had a chance to go visit Rochester I decided to give some exposure to the company’s iconic headquarters. The Kodak Tower, set a bit outside the main downtown area of Rochester, NY was built between 1912 and 1914 as the ‘nerve center of photography.’ Under the watchful eye of George Eastman, the firm of Gordon & Kaelber (Main famous Rochester buildings were designed by them and listed on the NationalRead More →

When war was declared in June of 1812, neither side was particular ready or wanting to go to war, they hoped that simply being at war would generate the fighting spirit among the troops. Plus with methods of communications being what they were at the time, there was a bit of a delay getting the word out, in fact the British forces stationed in Upper and Lower Canada knew about it before even the Americans did. The British had a very small force of regular troops stationed in British North America, most being concentrated at Quebec City, the Capital of the colonies, and Halifax, homeRead More →

After the disastrous defeat at the Battle of the Thames the stretch of western Upper Canada, some 200 miles became nothing more than a no-man’s land between the American garrison at Amhurstburg and the British stronghold at Burlington Heights. Neither side had the will or manpower to secure the area so it devolved into skirmishes between the few British Regulars still in the area along with local Militia and Native warriors still allied with the British and Canadian Population and the American raiding parties conducting economic warfare in the area, destroying crops, mills, and storehouses containing food and goods bound for the armies in theRead More →

Woodward Presbyterian Church, or rather St. Curvy, has a story like many churches that once thrived in the American mid-west. Founded in 1908 with a membership of 163, it was tasked to serve the north part of the city. With the Reverend Sherman L. Divine at the helm, the church began to seek money and land to build their church. The land the church still sits on today was donated by Mrs. Tracy McGregor. The firm of Sidney Rose Badgley & William Nicklas was hired to design the church. Construction began late in 1908, and by the time the cornerstone was laid on the 1stRead More →