The Battle of Chippawa is unique among the engagements during the Anglo-American War of 1812 as it was the only one to feature a full proper European style engagement on both sides of the field. Line infantry tactics did not lend themselves well to the rough terrain of North America, so most engagements were a mixture of both skirmishing and line tactics dictated by the terrain. But Chippawa would go down as the only full-scale European-style battle of the entire war. The memorial to the Battle of Chippawa as in stands on the maintained section of the Battlefield. Canon EOS A2 – Canon EF 35-105mmRead More →

I had gotten three hours of sleep before my alarm clock woke me up. But I knew there was some strange reason I had done this to myself. So by five in the morning, I was back on the road again, aiming myself into Toronto. I reached Polson Pier just before six. The wind and cold were wicked that morning. My iPhone told me it was -10C. I quickly set up my camera at the pier’s edge; two huge cargo ships were busy getting loaded. But my interest was in the Toronto skyline. The sky was still dark, with no sign of the sun yetRead More →