The outlook for General Henry Procter in the west was grim at best, hopeless at the worst. On September 10th, 1813 Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry had managed to take on the British Royal Navy Squadron on Lake Erie and capture all the ships intact, finally wresting control of Lake Erie from the mighty Royal Navy, this left the door wide open for a full out invasion of Upper Canada in the West. We have met the enemy and they are ours, Hazard penned in a dispatch to General William Henry Harrison who was waiting in the south. Harrison took this as an open invitation. ProcterRead More →

Dundurn Castle isn’t a castle, it’s just the name of this stately manor home that sits on Burlington Heights, built over the ruins of the British Strong Point during the War of 1812 and the launch point of the small British Force that defeated the Americans camped at Stoney Creek in June of 1813. The home completed in 1835 was constructed in the Regency Style. Its most famous owner, Sir Allen MacNab, who served during the Rebellions of 1837/8, was a staunch Tory and briefly Premiere of the Province of Canada. Dundurn Castle has always been a draw for me; as a history buff, there’sRead More →

But let’s get started! This is where I work, the Hazel McCallion Campus (HMC) of Sheridan College in Mississauga, Ontario. My division within the Information Technology Department, the IT Solutions Center, was moved here last April from our old office at Oakville’s Trafalgar Campus. I was initially wary of the move as it really increased my commute time, and more city driving however despite that I’m pretty happy with the new digs. First off…it’s a new place to shoot, although there’s not much TOO shoot around, just a shopping mall, although the curvy condo towers will make a neat subject. The campus has one thingRead More →

Back in the Summer there was a call out for unofficial FPP (Film Photography Project) meetups. As I do volunteer work for the FPP I took it upon myself to start organizing ones in Southern Ontario, but being busy I decided, hey why not just host one a season. Cross Promoting the event to APUG, and I settled on “Toronto Film Shooters Meetup” the Summer 2013 event was a good one, we took a very hot afternoon to wander around the Don Valley Brick Works. So for the fall at the suggestion of two other FPP fans in the area, Mike and John, for theRead More →

I had known about the Cheltenham Badlands for sometime but I never realized how close to me they actually where or that we had such a formation here in Ontario. (And I’ve also recently found out there’s another such formation in the province). It was almost like the opening scene in Jurassic Park. Formed on an ancient riverbed out of Queenston shale, the formation was exposed in the 1930s after soil erosion caused by poor farming techniques revealed it. The land was purchased by the Ontario Heritage trust for conversation. Although the photos don’t show it, the red coloured soil is caused by high levelsRead More →

August 19th has become known as World Photography day, as it celebrates the anniversary that France, where modern photography was born gave the secret to the world, for free for all. How about that. This year it sadly crept up on me so I had to rush to get a couple cameras into the field over the course of the work day. But I was actually really pleased with the results I got, not to mention the stares and comments about using an old Polaroid Pack Camera. Polaroid Automatic Model 250 Land Camera – Polaroid Chocolate Olympus Trip 35 – D.Zuiko 40mm f/2.8 – KodakRead More →

As the fall of 1813 moved in closer, and things were not going well for the Americans on the Niagara frontier they decided to launch a strike against Montreal. This act would cut off the rest of Upper Canada from supplies and troops that could come in from Halifax and Quebec City along the St. Lawrence River which had seen peace after the British victory at Ogdensburg in February of the same year. The plan was to catch Montreal between two armies. The first would sweep in from the south commanded by General Hampton, while a second army would come in moving east from UpperRead More →

And then there are times when I loose a roll of film… I had started hearing clamoring for another Toronto FPP Meetup, and while I do a lot of work for them, I wanted to be fairly inclusive of any film shooter in the area and promised to the community that I would organize a film photo walk at least one per season. So in July of this year I found a Saturday and put the call out, and actually had a great turn out! Mike and John (not THE Mike and John) but the ones from Toronto who are friends and fans of theRead More →

This year marked the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Stoney Creek during the War of 1812, although I have previously written about this particular battle, this year I again traded in my musket for my camera to capture this event from the sidelines (Although I was offered marching spots with the 10th RVB and 49th and I may just take them up on the offer next year). Most of the photos here are of the reenactors, the men and women who volunteer to do this for the public’s enjoyment. Probably one of the highlights was the performance put on by an actual British ArmyRead More →

Comrades! May 1st (well the whole week apparently) was International Commie Camera Day. Of course to the average person wouldn’t know a communist camera from a regular one. So what makes a camera communist? Last time I checked Cameras don’t hold to political ideologies (or do they?), but rather what makes a camera communist is where it was made and when. For the most part a camera is communist when it it well made in a communist country (so yes, those Chinese cameras that are still produced today, yep, communist). But for the most part a “Commie Camera” was one that was produced in theRead More →