Established in 2013 by MainStreetHost and taken on by Alex Luyckx Photography in 2015, #photochat is a community of photography professionals and enthusiasts who congregate to talk shop and discuss anything and everything photography. After a brief pause through 2023 Photochat is back with a monthly chat model. To participate in our monthly chat (every Second Thursday at 1:00 pm), search the #photochat hashtag on Twitter to see the conversation, or find me at @AlexLuyckxPhoto on Twitter. Include the hashtag in your tweets to answer the questions and talk with the other participants. If there’s a topic you’d like to see covered in #photochat, hopRead More →

One of the more interesting parts of B&W film photography is the ablity to adjust how the film behaves. There are many different ways of adjusting how the film looks, you can over or under expose the film, or push/pull the film in development. You also have various different developers to adjust how the film looks and different dilutions. But there is also the ideas of adding coloured filters to your lens to change what light and how much light hits your film. Now it might seem weird to put coloured glass over black & white film, but it can adjust and change how differentRead More →

January is either a busy for quiet month around the Internet. With the cold weather and post-holiday slump all being a part of this trend. But for those who are writing and creating content, January can also be a good time to get back behind the keyboard and work on partly completed work. Here are the blog posts and YouTube videos that caught my eye in January. My Journey Into Photography – Ferrania P30 Review Jim is one of my favourite ‘new’ photographers who is loving exploring as much as he can around film and film cameras. And he finally did his own review onRead More →

When it comes to photography the exciting things to review are cameras, lenses, films, and developers. But there are a tonne of other things that go into photography beyond the main kit. There are of course light meters, I’ve reviewed several of them in the past, both here on the blog and over on my YouTube channel. There are also flash units, but while I have flashes for all my main camera kits, I don’t use them that often, but they’re still good to have. But what about all those extra bits that don’t get the staring role, relegated to be mentioned in the background.Read More →

The whole team is on board for this one! Together we have enough kit to open up a small camera shop or a museum at least, but one of the hardest things many photographers face is when faced with all that gear; what do you bring along? Well, it does all depend on the situation at hand. So in today’s episode, join Bill, James, Jess, Chris, and Alex as they hash out what they would bring into some familiar, strange and downright weird photographic situations. The team discusses their choices for the following conditions: cameras to lenses and film to developers. Photo Walks Landscape CampingRead More →

Matt from ReveniLabs joins Alex for an update on the latest from ReveniLabs! And things have been busy since the release of the brilliant spot meter. This time Matt is pushing a new incident and reflective meter that is unique in that it is designed to slip over your fingers. It looks like a knuckleduster. The meter is designed to take both incident and reflective meter readings. It also can do flash metering, calculate flash power, and take the colour temperature. All readings are displayed on a small screen and controlled with a four-way joystick. The device is clean and well designed and fits inRead More →

At the end of last year, Harman/Ilford made a fantastic announcement, their popular budget film, Kentmere, was now available in 120 formats. And it was going to be the least expensive option for medium-format shooters. Kentmere and I go back, and when I first reviewed Kentmere 400, I was not happy with my results. I was downright rude towards the film stock, but looking back at it now, I can see it was not as bad as I thought it was when I first came to review it. Kentmere 100, however, did make an excellent first impression. And since then, I hadn’t thought much aboutRead More →

We’re at the start of a new Season! And why not have a trip around the table to discuss our team’s goals, resolutions, projects and other photographic things we’re each looking forward to through 2023? The common theme throughout our goals is to work on our physical and mental health. Also, working through backlogs, various group projects and getting more work in physical form! James Instead of resolving, James is planning on making a couple of changes! He wants to focus on himself first; everyone has had a rough few years. And for James, he’s started back into a journey of health after some difficultRead More →

There are few legal options to see some of Ontario’s electrical generation infrastructure, especially historically significant ones. At the same time, you may still be able to take a public tour of the Sir Adam Beck Generating Station or get a glimpse at the RL Hearn station if you’re there for an event. But even in those, you are limited in what you can see unless you’re suitable for some casual trespassing. But when I learned that one of the iconic Niagara Falls generating stations was opening up as a tourist destination, I knew I had to check it out. So back in July, IRead More →

I had forgotten how much fun and work it is to photograph a wedding. The last time I worked a wedding was in 2019, and that one was pretty low-key compared to Crystal & Joe’s. But despite all of the work, it is always worth it, especially when you turn over the final images to the newlyweds. The day started early, waking up at 4:30, showering, breakfast, and then onto the road. Despite being in Brussels, Ontario, the route and area are familiar. And one excellent part, everything was contained in a single location. And it was worth the early morning to catch some ofRead More →