When you’re tied up in shooting film for reviews and a fifty-two roll project, things tend to fall through the cracks. It also doesn’t help that there’s been zero publicity from the folks behind Expired Film Day. Sadly, the reality last year was that expired film day fell as the thing started to fall apart globally. I did remember to shoot a roll of Tri-X last year for Expired film day. But it very nearly passed me by this year. Thankfully the good folks at Burlington Camera were on the job and posted something on their Instagram on the Saturday before the actual day. ThisRead More →

And One of the most accessible hobbies and an art form is photography. And while some might say that photography isn’t art, that’s a subject for another issue altogether. If you’re wondering where this post came from, it was a sudden inspiration driving home from a photo trip and a series of posts that I had seen flying around some Facebook groups related to film photography. The trouble with the Internet is that everyone can spread their opinions around some are good and others are bad. But the one thing that I want to try and address in this post is the idea of gatekeeping.Read More →

Work has been a bit stressful of late and that restless feeling I had about a month into this whole mess we’re still sorting through came back. Either that or I never stopped feeling that way, and it just regressed enough to function. Thankfully I had my form of therapy still available with a lot more options than I did in April. I made a point to ensure I had three days of photography even if I only went out for a short amount of time with a camera and a roll of film. I ended up going out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with WednesdayRead More →

If you have been doing home film development, then the term stand-development might have crossed your eyes. And when it comes to the process, I’m still relatively new to using stand-developing in my black and white film processing toolkit. While I’ve had some successes when it comes to handling particularly rough or even unknown film stocks, it isn’t a method for all films. So for today’s post, I went out with three different films, Ilford FP4+, Rollei Superpan 200, and Kodak TMax 400. Each shot on a different day, in different conditions, and various cameras. Then I went and soaked all three rolls in aRead More →

Strangely enough, I caught the idea for today’s post by reading an article in the most recent edition of the Canadian Firearms Journal (May/June 2018). The article of course written about guns, this post is about cameras, though you do shoot with both. There is wisdom in the article, that can be applied to the traditional camera community. The article opens with a story, the author, Tyson Somerville, and a friend is out shooting, while Tyson’s gun is a well cared for, the gun being used by his friend is in rough shape. So as I sat in a local coffee shop waiting for aRead More →

These days cameras and photography, in general, are easy to start doing, and even can open up a whole new hobby to you and a way to capture better family events, trips, and even everyday life. But one thing that a lot of people are starting to do is taking their photography in a different direction by reshooting film. Yes, the film never went away, it just sort of made itself into a nice little niche. Shooting on film or shooting a digital camera is no different the same general principles apply it’s just how they capture images and what happens afterwards that is different.Read More →

I’m usually on the ball with things like this, but I’ll be perfectly honest, Expired Film Day(s) nearly slipped past my radar. And to think, I even had a roll of film waiting to be used just for this specific day. Back last summer I got a couple of rolls of Kodak Tri-X that expired back in 1982 that were manufactured here at Kodak Canada and were from the exact same lot. There were actually several rolls but I only got two, another two went to another member of the Toronto Film Shooters community. We both commented that this may have been the first timeRead More →

When it comes to your photography, there is nothing more satisfying and frustrating as running a photography project. These projects can be big, small, span years or months. You can publish them in a book, hold a gallery show, or just stick them online. Thankfully you can easily run your photo project without having any formal project management training (although even a little bit of reading on the matter is helpful). Completing such a project will improve not only your photography skills but also your organisation skills. In this article, I will walk you through how I approach a photography project. Have an Idea AllRead More →

Compared to printing your own black & white or even worse, colour film in a dark room, developing your film at home, both B&W and Colour, is a walk in the park. And the best part is that you don’t need a light-tight room, just a light-tight bag and tank. Yes, there has been many blogs and how-to’s written on this topic, but I thought I should throw my hat in the ring with my views on the subject of home developing. Before we begin, home development is both satisfying and frustrating. It’s incredibly easy to mess up, ruin a roll, waste money, and possiblyRead More →

Here in Canada, during the winter, the days aren’t always the best to get out and photograph. Either it’s bright and sunny but super cold, or it’s not that cold but overcast that the sky looks like all fifty shades of grey out there. Now I’m one that will go out in almost every condition to photograph, and I enjoy being out in the snow with a camera and even on cold days if I have the right camera and film loaded. But if you’re not one for that, there is another photographic practice that can keep you inside and bring you a whole newRead More →