You’re probably thinking, what do I mean by Visual Whiplash? It was mentioned in a comment left on one of my recent photos posted to my photostream, where right next to each other is a 4×5 image that’s sharp, crisp, and clear…and then a pinhole photo that’s rather soft. Visual Whiplash. I was at first a bit disappointed at these, I mean they’re not what I’m used to getting out of my trusty Pentax 645, they look like something a bit out of a toy camera. But oddly enough they’ve started to grow on me. So what got me into Pinhole photography after avoiding itRead More →

How does one review a film they have only used once? Easy, when the film is something special. Eastman SO-331 High Contrast Intermediate Panchromatic Film is one of those rare cult films that have been floating around for a while. The SO in the name indicates that it is a special order emulsion. And it has developed a rather unique following among the film photography community. Back in October when I was in New York City for the PhotoPlus Expo I was handed a roll of the film by Michael Raso of the Film Photography Podcast (who got a large amount of the stock fromRead More →

Now, fellow Canadians, British, and general folks, please don’t harp on me for mis-spelling ‘colour’ in the title because it’s the proper brand name for the latest batch of film out of the fantastic folks at the Impossible Project. ColorProtection is the latest emulsion in their quest to reinvent instant integral film. Well, I’m going to say they have reinvented it; now it’s a matter of improving what they have. But what they have right now is pretty damned good. So what makes this film the best yet out of the factory? Easy, anyone who has used this film from the beginning can attest thatRead More →