There’s always another developer out there to try out, and every time I start to wonder when I’ll need to wind down these reviews, another one pops up. In the case of Fotospeed FD10, I saw it on an Instagram story from a fellow film photographer and started to hunt it down. There are two versions of FD10 out there, Fotospeed and Berspeed; I’m not sure which company made the developer originally or what the developer was made for. But from what I’ve seen online, this is an excellent general-purpose developer for small-scale to large-volume processing. Technical Details Manufacturer: Fotospeed Name: Film Developer FD10 PrimaryRead More →

I expected that Vision3 50D would be my favourite of the three Vision3 films I reviewed this year. The biggest reason is that I love a good slow film; they make you think a little more. After seeing what I could produce with 250D, I also expected more of the same from 50D. I also had the chance to try out the remjet removed version of this film, CineStill 50D a few years back and was impressed by the film. But I cannot say it’s my favourite; I don’t know if it was the ECN-2 processing or the lighting conditions, but I found the filmRead More →

The 1990s were weird. I know; I grew up in the 90s. But then some cameras were quirky, strange options with different looks and styles. And there is the Photura. At first glance, you will think that the Camera is a camcorder, but not a camcorder from the 1990s, but rather one of those solid-state deals from the 2010s before smartphones caught on as a means of recording your life. But the Photura was not alone; think about the Ricoh Miri and the Yashica Samurai. Yet, there’s a unique thing about the Photura; you can operate it with a single hand, drop in 35mm loading,Read More →

While I certainly used FP-3000b more than FP-100b, but still not as much as I thought I did. The best use of this film I ever got was on a road trip through Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York in 2011 (!). FP-3000b is a high-speed instant film that was available in both Type-100 and 4×5 formats and certainly holds up to what a high-speed film should be, but made all the better by the fact that you got a big positive print and after careful preparation a useable negative. It is also one of the two Fuji Type-100 films missed the most by theRead More →

While the Mark 1 Intrepid is long obsolete, it was a fantastic camera for the era in which it was produced. It became the foundation of a resurgence in modern large-format camera creation, not only from the folks at Intrepid. And while this camera is long gone, it certainly left an impression on me and my photography. This camera was designed to make large format affordable and modern construction. And it certainly made that dream a reality. Was the camera perfect? Far from it, I had many problems with this camera, but for what it was and what it cost, it made a large format,Read More →

Of all the Vision3 films, 250D is the one I have the most experience with, having shot a couple of rolls and processed them at home. The problem was that when I processed them before, I did them cross-processed in C-41 chemistry. And they looked a little on the green side, but they looked good. And then, when I returned to this film stock with proper ECN-2 (home) chemistry, I was blown away. Under dull conditions, a snowstorm and bright light 250D produced amazing clean images. And it certainly was a significant shift from what I got from last month’s review of Vision3 500T! FilmRead More →

I’m not a rangefinder person, or shall I say I’m not a 35mm rangefinder person. But I will make an exception for a well-designed and made medium format kit. Meet the New Mamiya 6. While it was built during the age of premium medium format cameras and premium 35mm compacts, the New 6 is a camera that takes a lot from the historic camera that launched Mamiya as a company back in the 1940s. But takes things into the modern age with a light meter, electronics, interchangeable lenses and modern materials. This is a medium-format camera that I could see myself using if it didn’tRead More →

While not as keenly felt when it was discontinued at its colour brother and faster cousin, FP-100b is the black & white instant film offering from Fuji that took a minimal role in my exploration of pack film. Rated at ASA-100 and with plenty of contrast to offer, FP-100b is a film that I honestly have no accurate remembrance of, having only shot three packs of the stuff in my entire time shooting the format. Although it carries the same cult following as the rest of Fuji’s FP lineup, I soon realised I missed the boat with this one. More keen on shooting colour instantRead More →

If you’re thinking, haven’t you already reviewed this film stock? Well, you would be right after a fashion. While CineStill 800T is based on Vision3 500T, it is a version that has been under-exposed by a little under one-stop and had the remjet protective layer stripped away. This is the real deal; released in 2007, Eastman Vision3 5219 500T is a fast tungsten balanced film designed for use under artificial light, specifically those that produce light at the temperature of 3200K. It can also be used in daylight and produces, unfiltered, a blue tinge giving an almost day-for-night look. Of course, you can compensate forRead More →

I did not think I would enjoy working with these sorts of cameras. Sort of like how I felt about the RETO Ultra Wide & Slim, the LOMO APPARAT is a simple-use camera centred around an ultra-wide angle lens. But the APPARAT has some other tricks that the RUWS does not have; first, there’s a built-in flash, and second, this camera is far bigger than RUWS. Like all Lomography cameras, it’s centred around making photography fun, abandoning the traditional ideas of sharpness and accuracy. Shoot from the hip and see what happens. But you can quickly determine the different quirks. The APPARAT gives the photographer.Read More →