There were a lot of excellent items that popped up on my feed this month. Some good news about film prices, an excellent interview between two awesome Australian photographers and the return to publishing of camera reviews from Mike Eckman, who is a huge inspiration for my written camera reviews. So here are the social media posts that caught my eye for the shortest month of the year! Kosmo Foto – Kodak Alaris reduces price of Tri-X 35mm film by up to 30% This one is a hanger on from last month, so I might as well lead this month’s list with this amazing news.Read More →

Established in 2013 by MainStreetHost and taken on by Alex Luyckx Photography in 2015, #photochat is a community of photography professionals and enthusiasts who congregate to talk shop and discuss anything and everything photography. After a brief pause through 2023 Photochat is back with a monthly chat model. To participate in our monthly chat (every Second Thursday at 1:00 pm), search the #photochat hashtag on Twitter to see the conversation, or find me at @AlexLuyckxPhoto on Twitter. Include the hashtag in your tweets to answer the questions and talk with the other participants. If there’s a topic you’d like to see covered in #photochat, hopRead More →

January is either a busy for quiet month around the Internet. With the cold weather and post-holiday slump all being a part of this trend. But for those who are writing and creating content, January can also be a good time to get back behind the keyboard and work on partly completed work. Here are the blog posts and YouTube videos that caught my eye in January. My Journey Into Photography – Ferrania P30 Review Jim is one of my favourite ‘new’ photographers who is loving exploring as much as he can around film and film cameras. And he finally did his own review onRead More →

When it comes to the wider world of the film photography community, there has been an extraordinary explosion in content, especially within the realm of user-generated content, from wonderful groups on Flickr and Facebook to a vast collection of amazing blogs and podcasts. There is also an extensive collection of film photography content on YouTube. And a couple of years back, I ventured into this forum and found the format refreshing and a valued extension to my written content. But I have many channels as my favourites where I go to seek out inspiration, entertainment, and, of course, learning. So today, I wanted to shareRead More →