If you’re familiar with Toronto’s financial district and downtown Toronto as a whole you may have some understand of an entire underground community that connects most of the tall towers that dominate the skyline. But many walk right over this warren of pedestrian tunnels without even realising that the employees can quickly move between buildings, access services and even grab a bite to eat without stepping outside. Known as the PATH, the system is one that I’ve been in before and quickly got lost and locked out of, but having some time, I decided to go on a mission to try and explore and photographRead More →

A little sidebar, I wrote this blog post a while back as a post if I had nothing to post here for the week sort of a filler. However recent news made me post this sooner! That great news is that Ektachrome is back! Kodak will be releasing a new version of Kodak Ektachrome E100G in the fall of 2017. There’s more than battles, drill, and lazing about to a reenactment. Once the public leaves, the camps become the social centres for the evening. And being a reenactor one thing I have been a little lax on is capturing these behind-the-scenes moments once the public’sRead More →

Paparazzi, Paparazzi…the taunts seemed almost to be sung as I grabbed a shot of two women walking across the street. They don’t bother me, besides I’m far from a paparazzi photographer, these two women are not famous nor am I going to be selling these photos. Besides I can barely hear the voices over the History Extra Podcast about Richard I and the Third Crusade. Having just come from a beautiful photowalk in the High Park Area I had some time to kill before meeting up with my buddy James at Trinity-Bellwood Park to head up to the Dakota Tavern to catch the Silver HeartsRead More →

Street photography is not something for every photographer. Getting out there and taking pictures of random strangers in the street. Sure you get some people who turn away, or make a face, or even confront you about it. But for the most part, people are generally unaware. Back in August I went out and wandered up then down Queen Street in Toronto along with some fellow film photographers to capture a little slice of life on a typical Saturday afternoon in the city. Probably one of my favourite combos for shooting in the Street is my Nikon F4 and 105mm f/2 lens sure not aRead More →

Street photography on the beach. Back in July, I had a good hour to kill (that’ll teach me to cross into another timezone without compensating my departure time). So I took the chance to check out the National Lakeshore, the Indiana National Dunes State Park, and one of the beaches. As it was a hot day, plenty of people were out and about. However, this man I found this the most interesting. He was sitting rather far away from the general crowds, happy to read. He did notice the crazy photographer (that’s me) with the odd camera (Rolleiflex) and kept staring at me, probably hopingRead More →

I wore a suit into Toronto for Canada Day, I was meeting up with a group of friends later on that day, but I took advantage of the beautiful weather and the bustle of the city to get some street photography in, and looking dapper there was only one choice in cameras, my Leica. I haven’t been giving my Leica love recently mostly because it’s a bit of a pain to use, bottom loading, cutting the film leader, making sure there’s enough tension so that the sprockets catch. But after some choice words I managed to load up a roll of classic Kodak Plus-X andRead More →